
Inspirational focus for today

The three principles of Inner Listening, Co-creation with Nature and Love in Action have been at the heart of the work of the Findhorn Foundation for many years. Receive inspiration from one of these core principles as a focus for your day. The focus is chosen at random for you personally and resets tomorrow.

Daily guidance

Eileen Caddy was a mystic, spiritual teacher, author and co-founder of the Findhorn Foundation and Community, who received guidance on how to live her life from an inner source she called ‘the still small voice within’ or ‘the God within’.

From the day she first heard this voice, she followed it through her lifetime and dedicated time during the day for her ‘appointments with God’. Her life’s work was to inspire people to be still, turn within, find their own sources of inner guidance and follow that guidance.

Join our monthly meditation

We are holding our Foundations of Light meditation on the last Wednesday of each month at 5pm UK time for 30 minutes on Zoom for everybody who feels called to join us.

Featured Videos

Challenges After Reaching Oneness with God – Eileen Caddy

Eileen Caddy shares her experiences of dealing with self pity and personal challenges in the Findhorn Community after she felt she had reached the last stage of her spiritual experiences, the experience of oneness with God.

An Important Message from the Trees – Dorothy Maclean

Dorothy Maclean recalls an important message for humanity and the Earth that she received from a small cypress tree in the garden. Recorded at the 3rd World Wilderness Conference in 1983.

Give Constant Thanks for What You Have – Peter Caddy

Peter Caddy recalls examples from his own life that demonstrate the importance of giving constant thanks. Where our focus goes, energy flows and creates our reality. This excerpt is from a talk Peter gave in 1991.